Advance on travel experiences

Advance-fee fraud

An advance-fee fraud is a confidence trick in which a scammer tries to persuade you to advance them money based on their promise that you will realize a significantly larger gain. There are many forms of this scam. You may be offered the opportunity to become an art dealer with exclusive rights to a new territory. Offers like this will come via email as spam. You should immediately recognize this or anything remotely like it as a scam.

Be informed, not afraid

There are legitimate candidates who may need help with travel expenses. If you elect to cover such expenses, you can either use your own reputable travel agency or agree to reimburse the travel costs once your care provider arrives. has thousands of wonderful, legitimate Au Pairs, Nannies, Babysitters, Pet Sitters, Personal Assistants, Tutors and Senior Care providers throughout the world. Unfortunately, there are a few unscrupulous people against whom we must guard ourselves. Validate everything. Be smart and be safe in your search.