About Us

Aupairjust4you is au pair agency on the Internet.

Aupairjust4you.com, Au pair and host family can find each other by their own initiative, quickly and directly. Our users benefit not only from the greatest choice of au pairs and host families worldwide but also from the dedicated support of our highly experience team. Aupairjust4you is a website that facilitates cultural exchanges between families and youth from all parts of the world. Consult the profiles registered in our database for free, and find the Au pair or find host family you like the most. Sign up free, as au pair or as host family, you may immediately contact the profiles that interest you most and receive a prompt answer. Au pair Online is a safe and inexpensive place though which you can travel, get to know new cultures, and meet new people, learning of new languages.


We were so amazed with the platform aupairjust4you has created for families to meet with au pairs, its a great way of meeting the perfect candidate for the job. We were overwhelmed with the number of people who were interested in the job we offered, and are happy with the security measures put in place. Thank you, Paul Kastner, Belgium

Family Kastner

What We Offer

Aupairjust4you offers the widest range and largest number of au pairs and host families currently searching.


The search results only display up-to-date profiles from actively searching au pairs and host families.

Older profiles are automatically deleted for reasons of security and data protection.


We carefully check profiles of au pair and host families.

We make sure that our registered users abide by the au pair philosophy.

We offer up-to-date and detailed information on the au pair stay in the most popular host countries available.

Know how and Assistance

We offer our long term experience in bringing together au pairs and host families. We suggest profiles that match our users’ personal search criteria using our tried and tested matching algorithms.

We keep our users informed by e-mail about new matching registrations (“Daily Update”).

We answer our users’ questions in on the phone or by email.

Why Choose Us

Au pairs and host families control the process for themselves and make their own choices Great selection of profiles

Availability Au pair and host family

No placement fees (au pairs and host families can benefit from our Premium Membership for a one-off payment of only 25 euros for family and Au pair for free)

Register as Au pair


To be a Au Pair you must be between 18 and 30 years old, unmarried with no children, going abroad for a temporary period of time and living with a host family and have experience taking care of children. You’ll need to have completed secondary school, no criminal background. Above all, if you love kids, this could be your chance to experience something out of the ordinary.

Consult the profiles registered in our database for free and find host family you like the most. Sign up free, as au pair, you may immediately contact the profiles that interest you most and receive a prompt answer.

Au pair Online is a safe and inexpensive place though which you can travel, get to know new cultures, and meet new people, learning of new language.

Join us for free

Register as host Family


To be a Au Pair you must be between 18 and 30 years old, unmarried with no children, going abroad for a temporary period of time and living with a host family and have experience taking care of children. You’ll need to have completed secondary school, no criminal background. Above all, if you love kids, this could be your chance to experience something out of the ordinary.

Consult the profiles registered in our database for free and find host family you like the most. Sign up free, as au pair, you may immediately contact the profiles that interest you most and receive a prompt answer.

Au pair Online is a safe and inexpensive place though which you can travel, get to know new cultures, and meet new people,learning of new language.

Join us for free